Powerful Habits of Successful women

“You will never change your life unless you change something you do daily! The secret success in life is found in your daily routine”: John C Maxwell

Like everything in life, changing your daily habits requires: Grace, Discipline, Focus, Commitment and Consistency!

Studies prove that it takes 18 days to inculcate a new habit.

Implement These daily routines for the next 18 days and see how your life begins to conform to the plans and purpose you were designed for:

  • Get a Good Night’s Rest: Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep has been designed to heal you, revitalize you, replenish you, energise you, strengthen you and clear your body, mind and soul of all the day’s toxicity…

Psalm 30 vs. Sing to the LORD, you saints of his; praise HIS Holy Name. For his anger lasts only a moment, but HIS favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Make sure that you wind down early from the day’s activities by turning off all social media early, turn off the TV early, Read something uplifting, like the Bible and Pray before you sleep!

  • Be an Early Bird and catch that worm: Wake up earlier than your household and take the first 30 minutes of the day to give God thanks and PRAY. Make sure your first drink of the day is a tall glass of water or two..leave the coffee till after you have exercised! Use these 30 minutes to set and SPEAK your day into existence…

Job 38 vs 12: Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place? Morning Prayer is so powerful because it has the supernatural ability to shake off worry and anxiety and give you hope and energy for the things you need to accomplish that day. It enforces the understanding that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4 vs 13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Waking up very early will afford you that scheduled time to communicate with your Maker. Start with 30 minutes of prayer and make your way to the one hour mark!

  • READ! READ! READ! READ! Schedule and program your reading time into your morning as well. Train and discipline yourself to put in at least 20 minutes of reading time into your morning routine. Have a physical book, open it and train yourself to focus on it for at least 20 minutes, Successful people READ! They understand the value of disciplining the mind to capture new learnings every single day.

Reading exposes one to so much.

  • Reading strengthens your brain/mind activity
    • Reading increases and improves your vocabulary
    • Reading improves your Empathy levels
    • Reading prevents cognitive decline- meaning that it reduces the erosion of your brain cells
    • Reading reduces stress
    • Reading alleviates depression
    • Reading lengthens your lifespan
    • Reading reduces your TV and Social Media time that is mostly mindless and requires minimum brain activity
  • Get your Blood pumping: Once you say Amen, put on your sneakers and hit the road. There is nothing as energizing and refreshing as a morning walk. The thought of driving to a gym terrifies me and makes me feel like there is too much homework involved in getting ready for the gym. There are many a gym membership I have failed at. Therefore the morning walk is the best, most efficient and cheapest exercise opportunity God has given us under the sun…Ladies…get up and walk! Get up and move, get up, stretch and get going! You will be amazed at the amount of energy you get when you walk, even if its 15 minutes around the block! JUST MOVE! I usually use this time to listen to the Holy Spirit telling me how valuable I am. It’s in this time that I gain the greatest confidence in my God and who HE says I am. As I listen, I declare and confess out loud what HE is downloading…in fact; my walking time is usually an extension of my prayer time! I love it..You must do it early so you can catch the morning breeze and ride on the freshness of the morning!
  • Write it down, make it plain: Make sure you invest in a journal. Always have pen and paper at the ready. Write down what was spoken to you on your walk, even if it’s a scribble! Write it down. Then write down your tasks for the day. If you can, do it the night before, but if you cannot, write it down in the morning. Try to do it from the smallest to biggest task but if you cannot, write them down anyway and check them off as you achieve them during the day.

Habakkuk 2 vs. 2: Write down the vision, write it clearly (plainly) so whoever reads it, can run to tell others.

Now you are ready to take on the responsibilities of the day.

Waking very early means that you have at least 1 to 2 hour head start on your day and I guarantee you, your day will be fruitful, productive and drama-free!

Your Destiny Coach: Rochelle

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